China Shale News Review – Dec 26 , 2022


◊ Coal Rock Gas Risk Exploration Well

Well Kexin 1H in Tuha Oilfield is the first coal rock gas risk exploration well deployed in Tuha Oilfield, it is the deepest well for coal gas exploration in Xinjiang.

◊ “No.1 Project” of PetroChina in Xinjiang

As of December 18 this year, Tarim Oilfield has supplied gas to the five prefectures around the basin for 24 consecutive years, and has transported more than 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas in total.

◊ CNPC’s Exploration and Development Center for Ultra Deep Complex Oil and Gas Reservoirs

The First Technical Committee of the Exploration and Development Technology Research and Development Center of CNPC for Ultra deep Complex Oil and Gas Reservoirs held its first meeting.

◊ Digital Transformation and Intelligent Development of CNPC

PetroChina promotes digital transformation and intelligent development, and supports high-quality development of the company with high-level digital transformation.

◊ Breakthroughs in Karst Reservoir Research of the Largest Ultra Deep Oil Field in China

The “main controlling factors and spatial distribution of Tahe South Africa exposed (faulted) karst reservoir development” undertaken by the Karst Geology Research Institute of China Geological Survey has passed the mid-term acceptance.



(Source: Energy China Forum)